Paul, Production Director, winds down to retirement

Winding down to retirement

Paul, our Production Director, has taken the decision to wind down into retirement after 40 years of employment here at AGW. We'd like to take this opportunity to wish Paul all the best in his retirement.

Nigel, Joint Managing Director at AGW, said:

"I want to offer a huge thank you to Paul. Paul has, not only, massively contributed to AGW’s operations for decades, but he has also been a big support for me personally.

Paul has ensured that AGW’s manufacturing processes have operated very well. The workforce has been guided and led by Paul, to meet AGW’s customers’ needs. Paul valued the workforce, as a productive resource, but, on many occasions, went further than that. Paul was able and willing to look after the personal welfare and well-being of many people at AGW, showing concern for the individual, as well as the group. 

I hope Paul, and his lovely wife, Joyce, can enjoy his retirement, with many holidays and much golf."

Tony, Joint Managing Director at AGW, said:

"George and I employed Paul approximately 40 years ago as a young production manager. During this period I have seen him continually work to develop the company into what it is at present. As a Director of the company he has gained respect from all employees. All at AGW are very sorry to see him leave and wish him all the best in his retirement along with Joyce and family."

Thank you for all of your hard work, dedication and support over the years, Paul, and we wish you a very happy retirement!

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